FiXperience Online
The Online Suite
FiXperience Online

Includes current design standards, e.g. EN 1992-4 and EOTA TR 054 for the dimensioning of steel and bonded anchors in concrete as well as injection systems for anchoring in masonry. The anchor design in concrete can be performed either assuming a rigid base plate following a linear strain distribution or considering realistic stiffness conditions using a spring modeling approach. 

To the online version

Spring model in C-FIX Online

The linear spring model combined with a finite-element approach allows the determination of anchor forces of group fixings. This allows the comparison between anchor forces of linear force distribution and realistic anchor forces.

To check and fulfill the requirements (assumption of a stiff base plate) the anchorage can be optimized by the following parameters:

  • Increasing the base plate thickness
  • Enlarging the connected profile
  • Applying additional stiffeners
  • Selecting another anchor system to optimize the force distribution
  • Changing the spacings.

To spring model

Advantages FEM Design: ​

The realistic anchor forces are determined in the design software. ​
Easy optimizing of the anchorages.​
Multiple load cases can be defined and designed. ​
The profile and the stiffeners are considered for calculation. ​
The FEM Design can be used to check existing anchorages.​
The stiffness of the base plate can be verified. ​
The deformations are represented realistically.​
The add-on for the calculation of a sufficiently stiff base plate is based on the realistic anchor force calculation – quick and easy.​


Standard view

Deformations of the base plate


Spring model in C-FIX Online

To C-FIX Online


The app for the design and calculation of fischer cast-in channels for any applications


  • It creates flexibility in the design with variable application modelling features.
  • Helps to optimize the design and solutions possible with the fischer product range appropriate to the given specifications.
  • Fast, reliable and transparent reporting showing all influencing parameters to make the design tracable even with a pen and paper.